Sunday 17 February 2013

The Chocolate Candy Bar Treatment for Your Heart

Don't assume all what is the news about the things we like to eat as well as their influence on our overall health is detrimental, especially this research done on the University of California Health Sciences Center in San Francisco. California scientists concur that consuming just a small bar of chocolates every single day will work for you. It is extremely good for you, in accordance with UCSF researcher Mary Engler, PhD, RN, and her research team.

Dr. Engler and her colleagues divided a pool of 21 healthy test participants into two groups. The initial group was assigned the job of eating a Dove Chocolate bars bar every single day for 2 weeks. Dove bars are rich in cocoa, an abundant way to obtain the flower chemicals referred to as epicatechins. Epicatechins particularly potent antioxidants from group of compounds called plant flavonoids. Scientists believe epicatechins keep cholesterol from calcifying in blood vessels, keeping them more supple, and less at risk for clotsbonbon

The next number of test participants didn't get Dove bars however they ended up getting chocolates candy. Their candy had the healthy epicatechins removed.

Everyone who took part in the research reported towards the clinic for an ultrasound evaluation of the ability of their blood vessels to open wider and relax. Blood vessel dilation is a good indication of endothelial health that maintains normal and healthy blood pressure. The Dove bar eaters experienced significant improvement in endothelial function.
Why would this be? The research doesn't prove the reason beyond question, but the test participants who ate the Dove bars and enjoyed the raised blood pressure level also had high concentrations of epicatechin flavonoids inside their blood streams.

Dr. Engler told the press that hers was the longest-running medical trial ever to think about the part of chocolate flavonoids in health. She said that elevated bloodstream concentrations of chocolate epicatechins triggered release of dilating and relaxing chemicals inside the lining with the arteries and smaller bloodstream. Better the flow of blood, Dr. Engler reminded the press, is much better to your heart.

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